A colorful way to fundraise

The Cranston Herald ·

The Oaklawn Elementary School community brought out all the colors of the rainbow after a rainy week at the end of the school year, as they brought their enthusiasm over to Tate Field, the track next to Bain Middle School for a Saturday morning school "fun-raiser" fundraiser.

The school participated in a Color-A-Thon, which encourages students, families and friends to run or walk, or a combination of both, at the 3K race, which in this case was equivalent to going around the track nine times. Participants could be found running through, or sometimes dodging, the adult volunteers who were stationed at various checkpoints throughout the duration of the track, each one tossing a colorful powder on the participants as music played in the background.

Donned in white t-shirts, sunglasses and other fun accessories, the goal is to be completely covered in all the colors of the rainbow by the end of the event. The event raised funds for the school's upcoming activities and events.