Barrington's tree lighting is today, event starts at 2

Get ready for holiday themed mini golf, giant-sized Candyland game, and a visit from Santa Claus ·

Barrington's largest holiday celebration — the annual tree lighting festival — will be held today, Saturday, Dec. 3, at the town hall from 2 to 5 p.m. 

The festival has become a favorite destination for residents, as it offers something for everyone — arts and crafts, music, free hot chocolate, a number of singing performances, a visit from Santa Claus, and maybe most importantly, the lighting of the trees in front of the town hall. 

There will be holiday themed mini-golf, a giant “Candy Land Game,” and several food vendors. There will also be luminaries and wreaths for sale. 

The arts and crafts (this will be held inside the school committee room in the town hall) and other activities begin at about 2 p.m. and will continue through until 3:45 when Santa Claus is due to arrive. This year, Santa will be getting a ride from the Barrington Fire Department. He will also be accepting children's letters that day and handing out a small gift to each child.

Council member Kate Weymouth will offer welcoming remarks and Elena Serrano will give a short trumpet recital. At about 5 p.m., new Barrington Town Manager Jim Cunha is scheduled to turn on the lights that fill the trees in front of the town hall. Musical performances will continue until about 5:15 p.m. 

Food trucks and other vendors will be available throughout the day.

Recently, Barrington officials increased the number of lights in the annual display. They also shifted from the traditional lights to more efficient LED lights.