Cold weather blast sends tree crashing into Barrington home, cars

Strong winds down tree on Sowams Road ·

A wicked winter wind knocked down a pine tree on Sowams Road late Thursday night and sent it crashing onto two cars and into the side of a house.

Winds knock down power lines in Bristol.

A fierce cold front rolled into the region early Thursday and dropped temperatures significantly. On Friday morning, most towns in Rhode Island were registering temperatures in the single digits.

The arrival of the front was marked with strong winds, which yielded some downed limbs, and in the case for one Sowams Road resident, a felled tree. It did not appear anyone was hurt by the tree, although two vehicles in the home's driveway showed some ill effects of the impact.

According to WPRI, the cold weather will be followed by a wintry mix of precipitation this weekend — snow turning to rain on Saturday and all rain on Sunday.