Comedy show raises nearly $3,000 for Oaklawn Elementary

The Cranston Herald ·

On Friday night, February 9 the Oaklawn Parent Teachers Group (PTG) held a special Funny4Funds comedy show to raise money for several items for the school.

PTG President Ruthanne Farina said she was pleased with the outcome of the event, which raised almost $3,000 to pay for air conditioners.

"I want to thank all of you who came out tonight,” she said. “We worked hard as a team, to make sure this night was a success. And I hope everyone had as much fun as I did.”

The comedians who performed, Dale Cover and Tom Stewart, were local entertainers who both took the opportunity to tease about the size of the stage and the fact that the fundraiser was about getting air conditioners into the school.

The headliner was RC Smith, the Emmy award winning warm up act for the Chew in New York City. Smith had the room roaring with his interactive act and rapid-fire one-liners.

At one point during his act, he said he was sweating like a Kardashian on Jeopardy, which got one of the biggest laughs of the night.

No one in the audience was safe from his laser point humor and digs.