'Hillary Clinton' and 'Roger Goodell' gravestones go missing

Barrington resident says neighborhood kids are to blame

EastBayRI.com ·

RIP Roger Goodell.

Barrington police were called to investigate the theft of six homemade gravestones from a Promenade Street home last week. The gravestones — made out of wood — featured some well-known names: "Yankees," "Jets," "Roger Goodell," "Hillary Clinton," "Mel B," and "Colin Kaepernick."

Read more Barrington police news.

The homeowner said his family had gone out to dinner on Wednesday night, Oct. 12, and when they returned home they noticed the fake gravestones were missing.

The Promenade Street resident said knew who took the gravestones, and told officers it was some kids in the neighborhood. A short while later the fake gravestones were found in a nearby wooded area. A few of the fake gravestones had been damaged.