Political statement

Hunt: Time to take down state's political elite

EastBayRI.com ·

Two years ago, the constituents of District 68 (Bristol/Warren) did not get a choice of who their Representative in the General Assembly would be ... the incumbent Rep. ran unopposed. On November 8th voters will finally get an opportunity to have their voices heard.

My name is William Hunt, the Libertarian candidate for District 68. I am running to offer a clear choice for those who are unhappy with the direction our state is heading. Unlike my opponent, I oppose using tolls to fund the RhodeWorks program; I am in favor of the line item veto; and I am opposed to elected officials using taxpayer funds for personal publicity in the form of legislative grants.

I truly love this state - especially the East Bay. My goal is to bring my passion, honesty, and integrity to the State House. Rhode Island has a class of political elite who only cater to a very small group of connected insiders. As a political outsider and a truly independent voice, I can faithfully represent my district without fear of retribution for not voting with house leadership.

On November 8th remember that there’s #HopeWithHunt. Hope that together we can turn this state around. 

William Hunt


Libertarian candidate for House for Representatives Dist. 68