Letter: Help me find the owner of dog that bit me in Portsmouth

EastBayRI.com ·

To the editor

On May 30 at approximately 10:45 a.m., I entered the Portsmouth Dog Park with my dog Keegan (Australian cattle mix). 

A medium-height (came up to about mid-thigh), tan, shaggy dog began to come after Keegan. The owner pulled back, then let go from its collar and the dog lunged at Keegan for a second time. Before the dog lunged for the second time, I pulled Keegan from my left side to my right side, turning my left arm and back to the tan dog. The tan dog proceeded to bite my left forearm. 

I told the owner that her dog attacked mine and I did not feel comfortable in the park. I had not realized I was bit until after the woman left the park. I was wearing a black Roger Williams University sweatshirt.

As a result of the dog bite, I have needed to see two doctors, receive a tetanus shot, antibiotics, an X-ray for my sprained wrist, and will have to receive a series of rabies vaccinations per the Department of Health. 

The owner appeared to be a heavier-set women, about 5-foot-3-inches to 5-foot-5-inches tall with medium-length brownish red hair. She drives a blue sedan vehicle. Animal control was contacted immediately.

I do not want to go through a series of rabies vaccinations; please help me find the owner of this dog to verify rabies vaccinations. 

Shannon Pugliese

23 Valley Lane


Contact: 203/731-9895

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