Letter: Mr. Fuller needs to shut down his attacks

EastBayRI.com ·

To the editor:

While I can respect passion in politics, I (and a great many others) completely reject scorched earth politics. It is a tactic unbecoming to almost everyone, and is certainly way out of place in a small town like Barrington.

Scott Fuller is engaged in an incendiary attack against Scott and Megan Douglas. Rather than engage in a mature conversation (something that every one of us should endeavor to do as a model for our children), Mr. Fuller's language fairly screams off of the page.

Mr. Fuller is making unsubstantiated claims that the Douglases are somehow violating Rhode Island State Law by holding positions on the school committee (Megan) and the committee on appropriations (Scott). In fact, Mr. Fuller in his latest diatribe even refers to Rhode Island General Law title 36 ethics laws as the place where an alleged violation has occurred.

Rhode Island General Law 36-14-5 is the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees. Exactly where in this law are the Douglases in violation by each holding a separate elected office in which neither has anything to gain financially from their positions or other employment?

If Mr. Fuller cannot specifically state which aspect of 36-14-5 has been violated, he really ought to shut down this outrageous series of attacks and rethink his basic approach to public service.  

We all live in a small town and should endeavor to have cordial relations with everyone.

If Mr. Fuller decides that continued invective is somehow the right way to go, and decides to continue pressing his what I believe are baseless claims of ethics violations on the part of the Douglases, I point him to RI General Law 36-14-5(k), which in its entirety is as follows:

(k) No person shall knowingly and willfully make a false or frivolous complaint under this chapter.

Ken Block
