Letter shows gender bigotry is alive and well in Bristol

EastBayRI.com ·

In response to the "God decides gender" letter in the April 13 edition of the Bristol Phoenix:

I was very surprised to see this letter to the editor, although I really shouldn't be surprised because I know that prejudice and ignorance will always exist in this world. I just hoped that people would be able to keep these prejudices to themselves instead of publicly making others feel as though they are wrong for being themselves.

As far as God, I was raised to believe that God loves everyone for who they are (because he's the one who created them that way, right?); He's not prejudiced against what people have or look like on the outside; He cares most about what people carry inside of themselves, their love and compassion for all other human beings.

Before casting judgement onto others because of their lifestyle choices, we should look to our God and ask him if he believes we are right for casting these judgements.

Remember that no one is perfect. We all have our flaws and, for a lot of us, those flaws are what makes us who we are.

Jenna M. Cabral
4 Kevin Court

Bristol letter to the editor, Transgender