Portsmouth council approves contract for Lower Glen Farm

Town, couple fine-tune agreement

EastBayRI.com ·

PORTSMOUTH — After delaying action due to concerns that the contract language was too vague, the Town Council Monday night unanimously approved an agreement with Ann and Sam Clemens to operate the Lower Glen Farm complex.

“This is a win-win situation for both the town and the Clemenses,” said Richard Talipsky, the town’s director of business development who recommended the contract with Clemens Equine, LLC.

At a Feb. 13 meeting, several council members complained that the language in an amended draft of the contract didn’t afford the town enough protections when it came to maintenance issues.

However, during an executive session before Monday’s public meeting, Council President Keith Hamilton said the two sides met and “married up” the agreement to make sure the barns at the Lower Glen would properly be taken care of.

In November 2016, the council selected the Clemenses to be the town’s partner to operate and maintain the 11-acre equine facility, which consists of a group of historic buildings that represents a relatively intact example of early 20th century barns, stables and outbuildings. 

Under the proposed five-year agreement, Clemens Equine will invest $25,000 up front for capital improvements to the property and initially compensate the town $18,000 annually, plus 5 percent of the company’s gross receipts.

The town’s lease with the current tenant, Torrey Equine Services, LLC, expires in May.

Glen Farm, Portsmouth Town Council