Preschoolers cast ballots, learn a lesson

Johnston Sun Rise ·

Preschoolers, their parents and teachers at The Little Angels Academy in Johnston recently held their own Election Day, casting their votes for president and guessing who the winner would be.

 Upon getting dropped off for the day, the children walked their parents in to vote for one of the two candidates running for president: Secretary Hillary Clinton or businessman Donald Trump. The preschoolers were then given choices as to who they would like to vote for as their own class president, choosing from an agreed upon ballot list of classmates. After the votes were in, the children counted up the total ballots to determine the winner.

The lesson learned? It was explained to the children that they and their friends sometimes have to make decisions that are hard to agree upon and that voting is a fair way to reach an agreement.

Overall, parents selected Donald Trump as the winner, and Chloe Ding came out ahead for class president.