Three Barrington homes to receive historical plaques

Alfred Drown homes selected for designation ·

The Barrington Preservation Society will present three more historical plaques to homeowners during a special event on Wednesday, Dec. 6, in the senior center. The event begins at 7 p.m.

The three homes are more than 100 years old, reflect the original designs of their period and do not have artificial siding, meeting the special criteria set forth by the preservation society.

The BPS distinctive, oval, hand-lettered plaques show the names of the original owners and dates of construction. All three homes have additions, which is reflected in the use of "et seq," a Latin abbreviation used in identifying additions.

Houses and owners to be honored this year are:

• 60 Alfred Drown Road: Nathaniel & Jane Hazard House, ca.1890 et seq. Owners: Stephen and Patty Lang, "This beautiful Queen Anne Victorian house has an elaborate decorative treatment of the upper facade." 

• 53 Alfred Drown Road: Frank R. Chadwick House, ca. 1896 et seq. Owners: John and Elaine Boyajian. "This house is an elegant, Dutch Colonial Revival design with a gambrel roof and shed-roof dormers. Its deep rear garden extends to Allin's Cove."

• 379 New Meadow Road: Robert Wilde House, 1902 et seq. Owners: Jack and Kathy Beauchamp. "This charming Colonial Revival cottage has a projecting entry and a doorway with a fanlight. The site was a 'woodlot' for a Drownville owner for many years."

All three houses have been researched by Anne Shannon, researcher for the Barrington Preservation Society. This event, which is free and open to the public, will be followed by a special presentation titled "Do you know the site of Happy Hollow?" The presentation will be offered by local author, historian and genealogist, Jeffrey Howe.