Toxic letters

Warwick Beacon ·

To the Editor:

John Cervone's recent letters have reached a new level of toxicity. His venomous attacks on President Obama suggest a racial bias. What else could explain his hatred for Obama while praising Donald Trump? Obama's eight years was free of any scandal but Trump's first two months in office has produced numerous scandals with promises of more to come. Cervone vilifies a black president whose morals are above reproach but idolizes Trump whose ethics are no better than those of a sewer rat. Cervone criticizes liberals who oppose Trump calling them cowards but it was Trump whose color turned a cowardly yellow while ducking the Vietnam war. Instead of tending to the nation's business Trump spends his early hours tweeting his ridiculous lies in an attempt to deflect attention from the investigation of his Russian connection and then scrambling with damage control. The White House has been in constant turmoil since his arrival. His staff reeks of nepotism with Trump taking advice from his children. Trump has become a master at playing the blame game with President Obama as his favorite target. Cervone claims Trump loves America but Trump loves only what America can do for him. But I do have to give Trump credit for one thing: he's smarter than those people he duped into voting for him!

Anthony D'Abrosca
