Winsor Hill students show how thankful they are

Johnston Sun Rise ·

Even the Winsor Wizard was impressed with the goings-on inside the Johnston cafeteria he watches over day in and day out.

Prior to last week’s Thanksgiving recess, the children of all four first grade classrooms at Winsor Hill Elementary School came together to share holiday poems and songs during a program that people like ELL teacher Gina Castriotta said “they did for their buddies and other classes.”

It was also another huge happening at Winsor Hill, a valuable lesson in learning replete with the creativity and color the Johnston-based elementary school has become known for during recent years.

The students, who represented the classrooms of Diane DiRaimo, Karissa Fleming, Karin Peters and Renee Toppi, recited a special thanksgiving story and even performed a play on being thankful.

“They also sang The Popcorn Song with their buddies,” Castriotta said. “They told the story of the Pilgrims coming to America on the Mayflower and the play named things they are thankful for – silly things like not having to shovel snow, rock and roll, movies, bubblegum but not ending with “but if we spend more time feeling just how we feel, we’ll all miss being thankful for a Thanksgiving meal.”

Castriotta also explained how the first grade classes buddy up with fifth grades and one fourth grade class every week to do various activities together. She said all the kids are paired off and that’s who came to see the Thanksgiving play as well.

The all-student presentation was also watched by third grade students and buddies and first grade kids did The Popcorn Song together.

“We do it all with all Grade One students so they knew the song,” Castriotta said. “The Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn; that’s why we sing it.”