Barrington women plan Yoga Pants Parade past letter writer's house

Sunday parade planned in response to Alan Sorrentino's letter ·

Knapton Street in Barrington will play host to a "Yoga Pants Parade" on Sunday afternoon.

Why Knapton Street? Well, that's where Alan Sorrentino lives, and he's the resident who recently wrote a letter to the editor titled "Please, women, put away the yoga pants." 

Read Mr. Sorrentino's letter.

In his letter, Mr. Sorrentino states, in part, "Not since the mini-skirt has there been something worn by so many women who should never have it on in the first place."

Mr. Sorrentino's letter drew harsh criticism on Facebook. The comments eventually led to an idea for a "Yoga Pants Parade" past Mr. Sorrentino's house on Knapton Street. 

"This event is in response to this letter to the editor in today's Barrington Times. Lets show dear old Al, we can wear whatever the hell we want," stated a post on the Yoga Pants Parade Facebook Page. (The event is set for 2 p.m.)

In his letter, Mr. Sorrentino writes that yoga pants "do nothing to compliment a women over 20 years old. In fact, the look is bad." He later suggests women instead wear "a nice pair of tailored slacks, jeans, or anything else..."

He concludes: "To all yoga pant wearers, I struggle with my own physicality as I age. I don't want to struggle with yours."

A number of residents have penned their own letters in response. 

"Shame on you Mr. Sorrentino. I thought we were encouraging our children and our schools that 'Kindness is Cool.' ... I hope you don't have any women in your family who look up to you," wrote one resident.

"I wasn’t aware the letter to the editor page was a place for a pig to talk about what he thinks about the female body," wrote another.

One Facebook commenter wrote: "I think when you write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, particularly using judgmental language to comment on women's bodies and how we dress ourselves ('bizarre, disturbing, unforgiving, coping poorly with their weight, and advancing in age') it's fair game. What, pray tell, does he expect? To insult women and have no one speak up? That's just naive. Perhaps he should find something better to do with his time."

This story was originally posted by Click here to view the original story in its entirety.