How have cats offended?

Warwick Beacon ·

To the Editor:

To the person on Janet Court who shot our kitten with a BB gun, I’d like to share that our grandchildren adored our kittens. Last year, we rescued two kittens, twin black & white (mask & mantle pattern) American short hairs, a female sister and male brother, who were the love of the lives of our 2-year-old and 6-year-old granddaughters and our 11-year-old grandson.

I wish to know how our kittens offended you so, requiring you to shoot one of them with a BB gun on Monday, November 18, at approximately 2 p.m.

When preparing to sit down for our Thanksgiving dinner, we received an update from the animal hospital that your BB had penetrated the male’s spinal column; he would be permanently paralyzed. They recommended we put the kitten down.

I sincerely hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For me and our grandchildren, not so much.

James W. Burrows State Commander DAV VAVS Representative DAV Department of Rhode Island Warwick