It won’t be long now

Johnston Sun Rise ·

With a few minor electrical and fire alarm adjustments, the East Greenwich Animal Protection League’s new home at 44 Worthington Road in Cranston is ready to start operations. EGAPL has been without a place of their own for years, operating at different times from East Greenwich, Warwick and Cranston. But everything changed dramatically earlier this year when Dr. Andrew Martin, who ran an emergency veterinary service in Warwick that also provided a temporary home to EGAPL, bought the former Cranston Casting Company building and sold it to the league. The 5,000-square-foot building will be partially built out when it opens with an estimated $230,000 in renovations and a new roof yet to come. When fully built out, the facility will include a veterinary care area with an exam room, surgical room, whelping rooms and a quarantine for sick animals. In celebration of what they have achieved so far, contributors were invited to see the facility and a reception Saturday afternoon. (Warwick Beacon photos)