Letter: I want my town back

EastBayRI.com ·

To the editor:

Warren is the latest small town to go through “growing pains.” The Samsonite building is turning into condos and retail spaces, although I don’t know many people that actually live here who can afford a $1200/month studio. That little bit of “development” caused backups in the spring that went near to the White Church in Barrington. It would take over an hour to get home from Providence.

Next up is the sweeping of the streets and sidewalks. Let’s tear down the hundreds-of-years-old trees in the name of “development.” What person takes down a huge tree that offers SHADE thus helping the climate, to put more impervious surfaces on the sidewalk in its place. The “ocean state” already has a huge stormwater problem, and the more surfaces like this we put in our town, the less you’ll be able to swim. 

Oh, and let’s remember the several gas leaks all in the name of development. 

Third up is the removal of the old Pure Haven building for what I understand is to be two 5-story apartment buildings. More stormwater discharge. These are going to be right on the river; will we be able to walk said river anymore? What about the planned “river walk?” This could turn out to be another Westerly where people claim to own that public space. Not to mention the new traffic that will occur on Water Street.  

I grew up in a very small town on the Jersey Shore in south Jersey. The same thing happened in the 80s — a big building boom — and you know what happened? It over ran the sewer systems, money ran out, buildings weren’t finished. All in the name of development. 

Where is the planning? Let’s not develop Warren too quickly without thorough thought. 

Kimberly Twist

31 Baker St.