Letter: Shocked that Times published Mr. Sorrentino's letter

EastBayRI.com ·

To the editor:

This is in response to the letter “Please, women, put away the yoga pants” that was published in last week’s paper.  

I was somewhat shocked that the Barrington Times decided to publish Mr. Sorrentino’s letter. It is extremely offensive on multiple levels. After thinking about it at length I have come to the conclusion that maybe its publication is not such a bad thing. Blatant misogyny is much harder to ignore than subtle misogyny. It is a reminder to us all that the fight for equality is far from over.

I would like to say to Mr. Sorrentino that I am not what I wear. I do not exist for your viewing pleasure. I am a human being. Some days I put significant effort into how I look and some days I don’t. It shouldn’t matter. With all of the problems facing our world today the fact that Mr. Sorrentino decided to write a letter to the editor about yoga pants says it all. 

I wonder if Mr. Sorrentino has daughters or granddaughters. I hope they never read his letter. I hope I can teach my two sons to view women as equals and not sex objects. 

I hope that the Barrington Times has been flooded with responses to Mr. Sorrentino’s letter. Progress is slow but it is happening whether men like Mr. Sorrentino like it or not.


Erika Espindle
