Oaklawn library goes for gold with Robot Olympics program

The Cranston Herald ·

On Saturday, Feb. 10, 16 children from across Cranston teamed up to create a special automated robot to enter in the first ever Robot Olympics.

Oaklawn Branch Librarian Stef Blankenship was very excited to host the event.

“We have 16 kids from grades K through 5, and they are all ready to learn how to build a robot and actually see how they work,” she said. “I’m excited too. This is the first time we’ve done this program, and I am sure we will do it again.”

Led by the Coordinator of Youth Services Emily Brown, the children all took turns in turning robots on and off, and Brown explained how they work.

“This is science, how robots work,” Brown said. “We make observations about they move. A robot is not a robot if it doesn’t move.”

The first activity the children did was designing their own downhill ski course using different colored markers and the robot would “read” the course and know when to speed up or slow down.

The children also designed an ice skating rink to perform a routine for the robot.

Once they completed their independent projects, they worked collectively as teams to build their own robot form motor stages to gears to compete against the other teams for which robot moved the best and was the fastest.

For more information about all the programs offered at Cranston libraries, visit their web site, www.cranstonlibrary.org.