To the editor:
Twelve candidates for the Charter Review Commission failed to show up for the Tiverton Taxpayers Association (“TTA”) Candidate Forum, and, except for vague answers from two, did not answer the TTA questionnaire. Nevertheless, public records exist:
To the Editor: As the expansion of TF Green Airport progresses, neighborhoods in Greenwood are disappearing. In a subculture of Greenwood known as The Birches, over 60 homes are being acquired in order to accommodate this project. With an ample number of
Like petulant kids, the leaders of the legislative branch of our state government have left the state without a budget and each blaming the other for the resulting confusion. In theory the fight comes down to a few words over a measure that would bring
The story has a consistent theme - Warwick single-family home sales outpace any other city or town in the state. In the month of May the totals were even higher than customary, with a total of 142 Warwick single-family homes selling as compared to
To the editor:
At least every six years, Tiverton elects a Charter Review Commission to review our towns charter. This commission’s duty is to review the charter in its current form. This commission meets for one year and makes recommendations for amendment revisions/additions. On election day. November, 2018, any proposed alterations are added to the ballot and voters have the final say to accept or reject those amendments. The charter is, therefore, the most important legal document of the town of Tiverton. It’s much more than the budget process and protecting the FTR
To the Editor: Working together to benefit the taxpayers of Warwick, last month the City Council passed an ordinance that will directly support local businesses. The ordinance addresses the solicitation of bids for the city. While reviewing bids on the
By LEN CABRAL & STEVEN STYCOS When we moved to Cranston in the mid-1980's, Cranston's population was 95 percent white. Today, 23 percent of Cranston's population is black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American or mixed race, according to the U.S. Census.
By Len Cabral & Steven Stycos
Although a resolution by Representative Camille Vella-Wilkinson (D-21 District, Warwick) to set up a panel of five people to objectively investigate sexual harassment claims within the Rhode Island National Guard was ultimately unsuccessful, the base
To the Editor: I grew up in Buttonwoods. I went to Park School in the '60s. I rode my bike on Metropolitan Drive, playing with my cousins, who lived down the street. I have great memories of those days. I remember another time in Buttonwoods, too.
Organic” best describes the development that has taken place since the state secured the future of the former Rocky Point amusement park from private ownership and opened it to public use.
State …
To the editor:
The Tiverton Casino Revenue is a major opportunity for Tiverton residents to put the town’s financial house in order after many years of poor fiscal management and bad decision …
It was stunning back in September when Tiverton Police accused one of their own with spending nights at home when he was being paid to work, and with ordering the whole night shift into “quiet …
This is the tale of Ollie’s great escape; the very thing we feared could happen on one of our visits to upstate New York.
Carol had taken measures to ensure the day would never come. Last …
By John Howell
To the editor:
If you use Barrington Town Beach as often as I do, you might notice that a decision was made by our Town Council to open our beach to non-residents for a daily fee of $10 per …
For a relatively small town, Bristol has, as any careful reader of the Bristol Phoenix’s police report will know, an INCREDIBLE NUMBER OS SUSPICIOUS PEOPLEi living here. Kids playing in the …
To the Editor: I recently read the article about the Ethics Commission fining Donna Travis over her involvement with three charity-type organizations that she donates hundreds of hours of her time to and receives no money from. Got that? She doesn't
To the Editor:
June 14, 2017 witnessed two massacres here in America. In Virginia, a maniac opened fire on congressional individuals in Virginia, his reason having been silenced along with his …
To the editor:
While I can respect passion in politics, I (and a great many others) completely reject scorched earth politics. It is a tactic unbecoming to almost everyone, and is certainly way …
The ongoing investigation into Russian influence pertaining to the 2016 general election, the firing of former FBI Director James B. Comey, the supposed breaching of the emoluments statutes by the Trump family or organization, and the president's
By Christopher Curran
To the Editor: The attempted murder of congressional staff and congressmen is one more tragic event that should be a call for our nation to engage in open and honest discussion on the purpose and limits of guns in our society. I believe America's
To the Editor:The excellent Beacon article, “Ethics commission finds Travis violated law, issues $1,200 fine,” was right on target. Her attorney, Robert Flaherty, has likened his client, …
The longest day of the year is here - June 21 to be precise. High school graduations are winding down and the Fourth of July is around the corner. Summer is with us. It doesn't quite seem possible for summer to have arrived so quickly. Cool wet weather,
A most encouraging summer spectacle has been the occasional pogy explosion — little fish by the thousand churning the waters to froth in Bristol Harbor, the Sakonnet and Westport rivers …
When the agency renowned for long waits tells you not to stop in during the month of July, it's a good idea to listen. That's just what the Department of Motor Vehicles did last week when it announced it would launch a long overdue new computer system on
To the Editor:As a lifelong Rhode Islander, I was shocked to read the headline in a recent Beacon, “Wieners out, beer in,” on May 23. My wife and I are seniors and well acquainted with …